Monday, May 3, 2010

Communauté Québec Moves to Higher Grounds

The English blog of Communauté Québec moves to WordPress some time this week. We will keep this blog open at Blogger because we have regular readers there that we appreciate. All archives will be imported on the new site.

Some construction is still undergone at and may take some more days - we all are volunteers with jobs and families.

What is Communauté Québec? It is a programme administered by "Waska, autonomie et services techniques communautaires", a Québec City-based non-profit organization. It gathers business people from Québec City (and from outside), motivated by:
  • CONCRETE actions, HERE and NOW that improve the socioeconomic situation of the community, by consolidating the grounds for sustainable development of empowerment,

  • quitting throwing money on the problem: with a responsible, economically viable plan, it is possible to help individuals and organizations become pillars of their community and active, autonomous participants in the collectivity,

  • taking weight off the socioeconomic burden by reducing taxes to people and businesses,

  • favouring and maintaining autonomy (empowerment),

  • consult one another, share and perform mutual help in order to improve clientele traffic in businesses, thus consolidating the grounds for a sustainable autonomy and keeping the economic lung healthy!

I know it repeats itself... The mission - officially is:
  • Consolidate the grounds for sustainable autonomy (empowerment).
  • Create autonomy with concrete actions, immediately implementable.
  • Maintain the mutual help network dynamic and well alive.
  • Broadcast the mission to gain allies among business people, sensible to the cause.
  • Broadcast the mission to inform individuals and organizations who wish to acquire their autonomy (empowerment) that the programme is available to them.
  • Broadcast the mission to let Québec citizens know that, by these CONCRETE actions, a sustainable autonomy (empowerment) will take weight off the socioeconomic burden, HERE and NOW.
What we actually do is:
  • Participate in the elaboration of the Action Plan (on Internet).
  • Attend meet-ups once a month.
  • Help drafting the Action Plan (commenting, sharing my expertise in order for the secretary to produce the document).
  • Broadcast our endeavours among my clients, business contacts and people of influence.
  • Help my peers at Communauté Québec get more business traffic through broadcasting, consultation and mutual help, in order to consolidate grounds for sustainable autonomy.
  • As in any non-profit organization, attend general assemblies.

Join us on twitter at and on Facebook, at: